Thursday, April 06, 2006

" Fallen Humanity / The Awakening chapter 3 excerpt only pt.-3"

[ If more members of the same race end up doing better in some spheres, it is because more of them grew up in environments that prepared them for those endeavors. If members of other races had similar rearing they would display a similar distribution of success. ]
"Two Nations " written by : Andrew Hacker

Beverly didn't hate her family, in fact for them to be successful in their careers was simply an added bonus. Since many of her friends came from middle or lower class incomes, she was well aware of some of the troubles she had been fortunate enough to by-pass.
When the few ' well-to-do ' friends she had would poke fun at her for sneaking away to spend time with her BLACK boyfriend and ' those' in the ghetto she would brazenly remark that they were shallow and lacked the grit it took to survive in the harsh streets. To her mother it was nothing more than a phase that was normal and to be ignored. If Beverly wanted to experiment and sow her oats their was nothing wrong with that so long as she returned to reality at the end of her trip. But Beverlys father saw her behavior as immature, recessive and completely un-becoming of her status for which he, himself, worked so hard to create.
Beverlys father would not tolerate for a second his first child and only daughter passing time with drug pushers or crack addicts, and to his understanding, anyone who did not live within a two mile radius of his front door was considered suspect. And to be frank, especially those of the dark skin persuasion.
To be truthful, Beverly didn't understand herself why she was so strongly drawn to the lower-classes of society. There were times when she felt that her world was as phony as a three
dollar bill and the only way she could learn of real life, plus gain the respect of her father, was to venture out of the confines of the sheltered environment of which she was given.
Even Tina, a close " African - American " friend and neighbor, still bored her to tears at times. The parties, the shopping, the vacations and privilege had grown so tiresome that Beverly contemplated running away for a year or two after graduation now, she no longer cared what went on " a -top -o -hill " because she had found what she had been seeking all this time. His name was Whitey and he was a man like no other.


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