Friday, April 18, 2008

Fallen Humanity / The Awakening: " Fallen Humanity / The Awakening " ( chapter 4 excerpt only )

Fallen Humanity / The Awakening: " Fallen Humanity / The Awakening " ( chapter 4 excerpt only )

Saturday, June 03, 2006

" Fallen Humanity / The Awakening " ( chapter 4 excerpt only )

" Why is extrem poverty concentrated in inner-city, predominantly black neighborhoods ? Why, more than a quarter of a century after the passage of antidiscrimination legislation, are 2.5 million African-Americans still trapped in poverty ?...A second factor in the rise of ghetto poverty, according to Wilson, was the migration of higher-income African-Americans out of the innercities.... In the past, the presence of higher-income families provided a social isolation of the most disadvantaged segments of the African-American community. Local institutions cut back services or closed their doors.......
" Sociology / Sixth Edition "
( study and text by : Craig Calhon / Donald Light / Suzanne Keller )

" Well, well, well, ain't this a surprise...come on in cousin... what can I do you for ", said Whitey with a smile fastening his leather belt.
Drew glanced once more at the stairs were Beverly had disappeared and as he shook his head entered Whiteys apartment. He thought that he could smell the sex in the air. Whether it was really there or just his imagination he knew not. It wsa a pungent, sweaty smell. It half aroused and half sickened him.
" Do you know you're betraying your entire race by fornicating with that European slut. It's bad enough that you degrade our sisters by manipulating them into selling their bodies for money, but now you have to deepen the wound by having sex with your oppressors women."
Whitey had went to fix him a drink and was now coming from behind the bar. With drink in hand and pinky finger pointed out, Whitey eased down into his leather recliner. Taking a small sip Whitey looked up at Drew amusingly,
" I'm sorry cousin but, I'm not betraying anybody... Those ladies need money and I...well,...I simply make the connections for them to get it..., with a small finders fee , of course...Tell the truth cousin, is what we both do so different...
I mean, the way I see it, we're both in the entertainment business. The only difference is that I deal with physical pleasure and you deal with mental pleasure.
We're both giving the sheep a means to escape the slaughter that is destined to's just different methods...diferent technics "
Drew couldn't believe what he was hearing. He sat forward on the edge of the couch and shook his head. Stopping and then starting twice before he spoke Drew attempted to remain calm,
" You're a damn DEVIL, you know that... You're so corrupted that you're destroying lives simply because you can. Can't you see thtat you'er a little fish in a ocean of sharks..These Europeans got everything on lock, including your money and your mind. So what do you think is going to happen when they get tired of you
playing the role of destroyer for them...huh, what happens then,..tell me Whitey,
what happens then......."
Throwing his dink to the floor, Whitey slammed his fist down on the table,
" Nigga... I ain't trying to hear that shit you saying... I ain't living in no fantasy world around here and I ain't hiding behind no goddamn religon either...
You know me and my crackhead mama...everything I've ever had, I had to take damnit, so don't be coming in here with that holier than me shit muthafucker cause I'll...
I'll... "
Whitey stopped abruptly in mid-scream and begin to smile.
" Why am I so upset ", Whitey said to himself.
" Why does it matter what this nigga thinks about me. Here he is sitting here wearing a pair of faded out jeans and a Wal-mart shirt...Stupid fool, done did all that reading and still don't get the biggest joke of all...poor, poor Drew "
Whitey began to laugh out loud.......

Thursday, May 04, 2006


written by : Anthony T. Browder

( A Conversation With Dr. King )
******* AB: = Anthony T. Browder******* MLK: = Martin L. King Jr.

I had a dream the other night. In that dream I was afforded a rare opportunity to do what could only be possible in a dream. I dreamt that I conducted a personal interview with the late Dr. Martin Luther King....... I would like to share with you some excerpts from my dream.

AB: Dr. King, almost 20 years have passed since you left us. How would you describe the changes that have taken place in the struggle for civil rights ?

MLK: I feel that the tactics we used in the 1960's would not work well in today's society. You see, racism is a systematic way of life, and all systems adapt to change. Our protest forced the government to acknowledge our rights as citizens. Then the system changed. Now our people are struggling to hold on to the changes that so many of us fought and died for.

AB: What tactics would work best in today's struggle for human rights ???

MLK: I had a conversation with FREDERICK DOUGLASS the other day on that very subject. We both agreed that power concedes nothing without a struggle.
Sometimes a struggle may begin " nonviolently ", and then turn " violent " because of the oppostions against it. Today, the U.S. government is supporting armed liberation struggles all over the world, and sisters in " DARFUR " are told to wait for their freedom just as we were told to wait for ours. The time for waiting is long gone. I concur completely with my dear brother
MALCOLM and his feelings that we must achieve freedom " by any means necessary "
You can quote me on that.......

AB: Dr. King, are you saying that the civil rights movement was a failure???

MLK: No, not at all. The civil rights movement was a means to an end ( where is this exact saying used by a character within the book " Fallen Humanity / The Awakening
and by whom ??? Answer correctly and win a prize of enlightenment ) The movement focused world attention on the treatment of the "NEGRO" in America, and we forced the government to loosen its death grip on us. We gained some breathing room and we were in the process of shifting our attention towards worldwide human rights when I was assassinated.

AB: Dr. King, if you were to give a message to those of us who were inspired by your work, what would that message be???

MLK: I would say this. In the 50's we sat in at lunch counters, we boycotted business and we demanded the right to vote. Today, you own many restaurants, you operate multi-million dollar business, you elect your own public officials, but you are not free.
Freedom comes only when people are truly dedicated to liberty. We can not take one step forward and two steps back and call that progress. Many of our youth today know little or nothing about their history, let alone the struggle of those who lived a generation before them. We've taken two gigantic steps backward, and it deeply concerns me. People can no longer afford to waste time, they must wake up, wipe the sleep from their eyes, and continue the struggle. I would hate to think that I gave my life in vain. From where I now stand, I know that we will reach the promise land, but when, is the abiding question............

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

" Fallen Humanity / The Awakening " ( chapter 6 excerpt only pt.4 )

" I perceive that small states can maintain themselves against the greats
monarchies when these states put industry and a great deal of order into their affairs......."

King Frederick 11 of Prussian

....... After a little research and calling in a few favors Drew discovered that
Kenneth Fryson was basically a family man. His father was Reverend Joseph Fryson,
a third generation man of the clothe who presided over the African-American Apostolic
Church of Christ on Pender Street. Kenneth Fryson, instead of going into the ministry as his
fathers father had done decided to study law which eventually lead to his current position as
Becoming the first African-American Mayor in his cities history was of no small feat.
Kenneth Fryson had to over come many obstacles that even though the days of social
inequalities were supposedly long gone the " good ol' boys" mentality still lurked silently within
the hearts and boardrooms of many a prominent persons. But the current Mayor had done
what was necessary to obtain the position, shady deals and all. Mayor Fryson had a cleverness
that was concealed by an " average joe " persona. That trait was especially liked by Drew.
If Mayor Fryson could relate to the little man of society in any form of fashion then
he would easily comprehend Drews plight. Now, that Drew had gotten his one on one
conference with the current Mayor confirmed it was time for step two. Turning around to
face his desk once again Drew took a hold of his address book and flipped it to the back
which held his growing number of contacts who had given him business cards, slips of papers
and even torn off napkin corners. Drew found the person he was looking for........

Thursday, April 06, 2006

" Fallen Humanity / The Awakening chapter 3 excerpt only pt.-3"

[ If more members of the same race end up doing better in some spheres, it is because more of them grew up in environments that prepared them for those endeavors. If members of other races had similar rearing they would display a similar distribution of success. ]
"Two Nations " written by : Andrew Hacker

Beverly didn't hate her family, in fact for them to be successful in their careers was simply an added bonus. Since many of her friends came from middle or lower class incomes, she was well aware of some of the troubles she had been fortunate enough to by-pass.
When the few ' well-to-do ' friends she had would poke fun at her for sneaking away to spend time with her BLACK boyfriend and ' those' in the ghetto she would brazenly remark that they were shallow and lacked the grit it took to survive in the harsh streets. To her mother it was nothing more than a phase that was normal and to be ignored. If Beverly wanted to experiment and sow her oats their was nothing wrong with that so long as she returned to reality at the end of her trip. But Beverlys father saw her behavior as immature, recessive and completely un-becoming of her status for which he, himself, worked so hard to create.
Beverlys father would not tolerate for a second his first child and only daughter passing time with drug pushers or crack addicts, and to his understanding, anyone who did not live within a two mile radius of his front door was considered suspect. And to be frank, especially those of the dark skin persuasion.
To be truthful, Beverly didn't understand herself why she was so strongly drawn to the lower-classes of society. There were times when she felt that her world was as phony as a three
dollar bill and the only way she could learn of real life, plus gain the respect of her father, was to venture out of the confines of the sheltered environment of which she was given.
Even Tina, a close " African - American " friend and neighbor, still bored her to tears at times. The parties, the shopping, the vacations and privilege had grown so tiresome that Beverly contemplated running away for a year or two after graduation now, she no longer cared what went on " a -top -o -hill " because she had found what she had been seeking all this time. His name was Whitey and he was a man like no other.

Monday, March 27, 2006

" Fallen Humanity / The Awakening ( * chapter 2 excerpt only pt. 2 ) "

Under the tutelage of N'aim, Drew was exposed to masses of information ranging from theological to historical even economical theories were among his many lessons. Now Drew held an un-wavering devotion to GOD and his people of African descent.
When the time had come for Drew to be transferred from maximum custody to a medium custody prison N'aim made Drew give a solemn promise that he would never give up trying to awaken his people to the harsh reality that they had not as of yet reached the mountain top. Drew made the promise whole heartedly.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

" Fallen Humanity / The Awakening ( * chapter 2 excerpt only pt.1 ) "

Drew wasn't comfortable about the business deal he'd made with Whitey and it was pushing him off his square. Leaning over to open his worn leather briefcase he pulled out the manila folder given him by Whitey.
The plan seemed fool proof. No matter how many times he went over it, the plan still made logical sense. The best part of all was the fact that the only thing required of him was to be himself and speak to the masses what he himself felt was indeed true.
Drew didn't try to fool himself into believing what Whitey and Seth would be doing was right but, he consoled his nagging conscience with time tested cliche`s. At the moment, " the end justifies the means ", was holding strong against all other arguments.
Turning a couple of pages in the folder Drew closed it with a long sigh of doubt.
Looking over his desk he took a hold of his Qu`ran and placed it on top of the folder and it's dreaded plans.
Drew smiled to himself as he traced the gold lettering with his finger. Remembering as if it was yesterday when he had been given the book. He shook his head with a broad grin.
N'aim Akbar El had been Drew's un-official mentor while doing his time in prison. At twenty, Drew saw himself as a die hard thug and didn't subscribe to anything nor anyone except live fast and die hard yet N'aim had changed all of that.
It was him who opened Drews' eyes to a world in which he was still child living in a mans body and a warriors world.

Friday, March 24, 2006


I looked deep into the futures eyes as they smiled back at me
My heart rejoiced as my mind cried out in anguish
My heart said to my mind,
" Why must you be so disturbed? Is not the very sight of the future enough to
lift any burden and destroy any yoke that you may have? "
My mind replied through clenched teeth and suppressed rage
" If the future knows nothing of the past and can not see the REALITIES of
the present then they ( the future ) are nothing more than wasted time. "